For the best coffee experience, the entire journey of coffee from farm to table is important. The coffee that is formed as a result of the cooperation of the Farmer, Coffee Roaster and Barista; It emerges with its taste, smell, color and energy. As Heimdall Roastery, we use coffee beans that are classified as SCA high quality coffee and we attach importance to sustainability. Our coffees are carefully roasted in our new, state-of-the-art workshop. Since we are roasting small batches, we make fresh roasts for our subscribers and optionally grind them before packaging. Moreover, we deliver it to your door free of charge.

If you want to have a good coffee experience at home. You need to pay attention to the brewing methods of coffee. Just as each coffee bean has its own special notes and aromatic properties, the method of brewing coffee directly affects the taste of the coffee. This guide will help you learn how to make your own great coffee. If you are not satisfied with your current brewing method or are looking for new flavors! By trying other brewing methods, you can catch the coffee flavor that you will like.

You can brew according to the time according to the mode. You can get ideas from us to set up a mini coffee bar in your home.

All pour-over methods are based on the principle that the ground coffee bean stays in hot water for a while and your coffee reaches your glass with the help of a filter. Note the following items to find the right brewing method. Or you can attend the workshops we organize at the Heimdall Roastery Ateiler. You can test all brewing methods comparatively and prepare your own perfect coffee by choosing the brewing method that suits you best.

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Cold Brew


24 hours

5-20 cup





French Press


3-6 min

1-2 cup







3-5 min

1-4 cup







20-30 min

1-4 cup





Hario V60


3-5 min

1-2 cup





Filter Machine


3-9 min

1-6 cup





Moka Pot


5-8 min

1-2 cup





Aero Press


2-3 min

1 cup






Super Fine

30 sec

1-4 shot





Turkish Coffee


2-3 min

1-4 cup






French Press

The French Press is a common and accessible equipment used to make filter coffee at home. It is a suitable method for brewing not only coffee, but also tea, herbal tea.

The French Press has a glass jug and a metal strainer and piston lid. The coffee is poured into the jug. No pressure is used and as a result filter coffee is obtained. It is also widely used in homes because it is easy as a system.

This French Press recipe is for 1 person. 18 grams of coffee, 300 ml of water were used. You can grind the coffee a little coarser than Chemex. The temperature of the water should be between 94-96 degrees (°C). If you don't have a heat-regulated kettle, let the boiled water rest for 2-3 minutes so you get close to the desired temperature.

·        Add 18 grams (approximately 2 tablespoons) of coarsely ground coffee. Make the coffee surface as flat as possible.

·        Start the stopwatch; Slowly add 50 ml of water and wait 25-35 seconds. If bubbles begin to form on the coffee bed, your coffee is blooming successfully.

·        Pour the remaining water slowly, in circles from the inside out, for 2-3 minutes. Stir with a wooden spoon and wait for 1 minute so that the coffee grains are completely wet. Put the plunger of the French Press on it, let the coffee brew for another 3-4 minutes before pressing it down.

·        While the lid of the French Press is on, hold the handle with one hand and press the plunger down with the other hand so that the strainer comes down completely. To prevent the coffee from brewing further, do not leave it in the French Press, transfer all the brewed coffee to a large cup or thermos.


The Chemex brewing method is indispensable for any barista. Its working principle is similar to drip. The lower and upper chamber are like a combined jug. A thicker filter paper is used. In this way, it offers a more aromatic and delicious coffee pleasure. 18gr coffee is brewed with 300ml water, optionally 2 cups and 3 cups can be brewed at the same time. The filter paper is pre-wetted and then coffee is poured. Water is added with circular movements and the coffee begins to brew.

·        Place your filter on Chemex and wet it with plenty of hot water. This will allow you to both preheat the Chemex and remove the paper taste from the filter. This recipe is for two glasses.

·        Grind 35 grams of roasted coffee slightly coarsely. Place the coffee on top of the filter and set the scale to zero.

·        Pre-brew! Start the stopwatch before adding the hot water. Add 140 ml of water so that all the coffee is saturated and wait.

·        Make sure it's all wet by pouring the water slowly and circularly over the coffee.

·        Start adding water a second time at 45 seconds, continue to fill until 600 ml is reached. When the stopwatch shows the 4th minute, the brewing should be finished.

·        The coffee is ready to be served after shaking it gently without cooling to ensure homogeneity. Your coffee is ready!

Aero Press

It is logically similar to the French press, but the biggest difference is that there is a pressure of about 7 bar in the aeropress. The Aeropress consists of two cylinders, one of which is airtight, syringe-like and can fit inside the other cylinder. Only hot water and coffee are needed. Its filter is wetted and the coffee is put there. It is brewed by mixing with the help of a spoon. It is inverted towards the cup and the piston is pushed. Coffee is poured into the cup.

It has become indispensable for nature travelers, especially due to its ease of transportation and use. Aeropress is preferred because it produces a more dense-bodied coffee compared to other pour-over coffee brewing methods and brews coffee in just 1-2 minutes.

Aeropress recipe is for 1 person. 18 grams of coffee, 220 ml of water were used. You can grind coffee with the fine adjustment of the grinder, close to espresso. The temperature of the water should be between 85-89 degrees (°C). If you don't have a heat-regulated kettle, let the boiled water rest for 2-3 minutes so you get close to the desired temperature.

·        Place the Aeropress filter paper properly in the round filter head and close the filter head tightly. Place a mug or coffee pot under the Aeropress and thoroughly wet the filter paper with hot water. Then pour this water*. This step is necessary both to reduce the taste of paper and to warm the cup.

·        Add 18 grams of finely ground coffee. Shake gently to level the coffee bed and make the coffee beans as straight as possible.

·        Start the stopwatch and add 45 ml of water to the coffee in the Aeropress; Wait 25-35 seconds. If bubbles begin to form on the coffee bed, your coffee is blooming successfully.

·        Slowly add the remaining water, being careful not to exceed level 3 on the Aeropress. Without waiting too long, take the mixing stick and move it up and down to mix the coffee for 7-8 seconds.

·        Place the Aeropress pusher piston on it, press down evenly and evenly with both hands to ensure your coffee is brewed. We recommend that you do not exceed 2 minutes while brewing coffee in Aeropress.

·        Serve the coffee in a preheated cup. Enjoy your coffee!

Hario V60

The coffee brewing equipment V60, signed by Japanese Hario, which has been producing glass for nearly 100 years, has a special place for coffee lovers recently. Hario V60, named after its 60-degree conical design, is one of the favorite coffee brewing equipment of those who love to discover new flavors. The use of the V60 Dripper has become increasingly common, as it makes coffee practically by pouring water on the coffee (with the pour-over brewing method), as well as being very easy to clean.

This Hario V60 recipe is for 1 person. 16 grams of coffee, 240 ml of water were used. You can grind the coffee in the middle setting of the grinder, close to the filter coffee (with the thickness of granulated sugar). If you wish, you can brew for 2 people with twice the amount of coffee and water. The temperature of the water should be between 93-96 degrees (°C). If you don't have a heat-regulated kettle, let the boiled water rest for 2 minutes so you get close to the desired temperature.

·        Neatly fold the striped edge of the Hario V60 filter coffee paper, insert it into the V60. Put the equipment on a large cup, wet the filter paper well with hot water. Then pour this water*. This step is necessary both to reduce the taste of paper and to warm the cup.

·        Add 16 grams (about 1.5 tablespoons) of medium ground coffee. Gently shake the V60 to level the coffee bed and make the coffee beans as straight as possible.

·        Start the stopwatch and add 40 ml of water; Wait 25-35 seconds. If bubbles begin to form on the coffee bed, your coffee is blooming successfully.

·        Slowly pour the remaining water in circular motions, without touching the filter paper. In this way, make circles at the same speed so that the coffee beans are brewed evenly. The brewing process with the V60 should be finished in approximately 3 minutes. If it's taking longer, grind the coffee a little coarser or speed up your pouring technique the next time you brew.

Moka Pot

Coffee is poured into the lower chamber up to the screw level. The metal perforated chamber placed on it is filled with coffee. It is covered and put on fire. The boiling water rises with the pressure and wets the coffee, and again with the pressure, the coffee goes to the upper chamber. In this process, 1-2 bar pressure is applied. The resulting coffee is espresso. The biggest reasons for it to be preferred are that it is more affordable than an espresso machine and it is more portable. It offers the opportunity to easily make espresso anywhere there is a fire. It is also referred to as the Italian coffee pot.

·        Fill the lower chamber of the Moka pot with warm water at room temperature.

·        Add your finely ground coffee to the filter section measuring an average of 18g per cup. At this point, you should not press on your coffee or squeeze the grounds.

·        Fix the upper chamber of the moka pot by placing it on the filter and place it on the stove you set on low heat.

·        When the water in the lower chamber passes through the funnel and reaches the upper chamber, take the moka pot from the fire and set it aside.

·        Your espresso flavored coffee is ready when the upper chamber is completely filled.


A visually very successful siphon brewing method. At the same time, it is a good experience for coffee lovers in terms of consistency, taste and aroma. Basically, coffee is brewed by steam pressure pushing the heated water from one chamber to the other chamber where the coffee is located. Siphon brewing method allows us to obtain a hotter coffee compared to other brewing methods. With this brewing method, we dissolve the bitter substances in the coffee too much. As you brew coffee with the siphon, you will feel like you are doing a scientific experiment in a laboratory. Watching the coffee brew as much as the coffee you brew is a pleasure. The siphon is divided into two parts and works with the heating system located on the bottom.

·        Siphon sub-section is placed and preheated.

·        125ml of boiling water is added to the lower section of the siphon.

·        Afterwards, the filter is inserted into the upper chamber and seated. You can use a cloth filter or a paper filter.

·        Coarsely ground coffee is added to the upper part, as if to make filter coffee in the desired amount.

·        After the siphon is placed in the heater, the water is heated and pressure is expected to be created.

·        The pressure created by the boiling water fills the water into the upper chamber. Meanwhile, the siphon is stirred slowly.

·        Wait up to 1 minute for brewing. After this period, the heater is deactivated.

·        The cooled air in the bottom section draws the coffee from the room in the upper section and fills it into the lower section.

·        After waiting a little longer to brew, your clear and delicious coffee, which has passed through both metal and cloth filters, is ready to be served.

Filter Coffee Machine

It is one of the most preferred equipment for filter coffee. It produces a smooth, clear and less dark brown. In pour-over brewing, the coffee machine itself does the work that is done manually.

It is a practical and convenient method for dispensing many cups of coffee at once. In terms of taste, it has softer notes compared to French Press.

If you want to have a cafe-quality coffee experience at home, the most practical way is to brew coffee using a filter coffee machine. These machines, which are durable products that can be easily cleaned by throwing some parts into the dishwasher and used for many years, are also very economical choices compared to many other equipment.

·        Insert the filter paper:

·        Measure your coffee and pour it into filter paper:

·        Fill the water tank:

·        Turn on the machine and wait for the coffee to brew: The filter coffee machine brews a cup of coffee for 2 people in approximately 4-5 minutes.

·        In order to get the best aroma you want, you should wait until the last drop of your coffee is brewed.

Turkish Coffee

·        Grind fresh coffee just before brewing

·        Use 8 g (3 full teaspoons) of coffee per cup.

·        Take the coffee into the coffee pot

·        Pour 60 g of water on it and empty it

·        Use lukewarm water to avoid getting too bitter.

·        Stir so that all the coffee is in contact with the water.

·        Let it brew on medium heat

·        During 2-2.5 minutes of brewing, take it off the stove before it boils.

·        Drain the coffee by tilting the cup at a 45-degree angle

·        Wait 2-3 minutes for the grounds to settle.

·        When the coffee is at a drinkable temperature, drink the water first.

·        After cleaning your palate with water, you can drink your coffee.